Saturday, 3 October 2009

A Leap Into Immortality

My immediate inspiration for starting a blog comes from these haunting lines that I recently read in a novel, The Sacred Scripture, by Sebastian Barry:

"It is funny, but it strikes me that a person without anecdotes that they nurse while they live, and that strikes them, are more likely to be utterly lost not only to history but the family following them. Of course this is the fate of most souls, reducing entire lives, no matter how vivid and wonderful, to those sad black names on withering family trees, with half a date dangling after and a question mark."

I suspect, if truth be told, much of what I have done and am doing is about how I want to be remembered. Is it selfish - in a world that extols selflessness - to want that? I'm not entirely certain of this yet.

I read somewhere once that 'people will not remember what you did or what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel'. A reflection on my own tiny history and the people who have made it so rich indicates that to be ever so true. It is a paradox then, isn't it, for immortality to be an ever present possibiliy for us mere mortals?

Perhaps my anecdotes and memories will survive beyond me. A blog is a good way forward to attempt immortality - especially for those of us who will never quite have enough words to fill up a book!

Now all I need is a bit of discipline to weave my thoughts into words for posterity!

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